Saturday, November 3, 2012

Evie's 1st Halloween!!

I'm so incredibly excited for this holiday season, since it will be our first with Evie being old enough to enjoy it (last year we got to do Christmas/New Years, but she was just a sleepy newborn)!!  The holidays just haven't been the same the past several years; I think I'm getting too old, too "mature", and too busy to really enjoy them the way I used to.  I'm really hoping that having a kid in the house will revitalize our holiday spirit!!

That being said, I was worried about this Halloween; Karl had to work all night, Evie had been sick and miserable all week before, and it always snows on October 31st (it's basically a Utah tradition).  I was pretty sure everything was ruined, but we actually ended up having a pretty good experience!  The weather was absolutely fantastic; like record highs!  Evie didn't even need the blanket I brought for her.  *Completely sidetracked train of thought here, but I'm pretty sure Evie has THE best luck with weather.  I was worried about having her in the winter with blizzards and such, but last winter was superly warm.  The day we took her home from the hospital it was so warm we didn't even need to cover her up, she was fine with just her sleeper!*  Anyway, back on topic, Evie was feeling a little bit better by Halloween, and she made THE cutest lady bug I've ever seen :)

We went trick-or-treating with my mom and my two youngest sisters, Mary (9) and Maia (4) around my old neighborhood.  It was good to see some of the people from my stake again and show off my bebe :)

Evie wasn't quite sure what we were doing at first, but after about the second or third house (when the guy let her reach into the big bowl of candy and take one) she was hooked.  She pulled out this little box of Milk Duds, which was the perfect size for her hand and made a great sound when she shook it!  She thought it was the coolest thing that we were going house to house and people were just handing her awesome toys!  Then she got her hands on some chocolatey/cream thing wrapped in foil (I couldn't really see what it was in the dark), and the next time we came to a porch light I realized that it had completely disintegrated into a sugary goo all over her hands and was dripping out of her mouth!  It had melted in her warm little baby hand and she managed to chew her way into the wrapper, haha!  After THAT she was totally and completely sold on this whole "Halloween" thing. ;)  By the end she was marching up to doors and doing her "gimme" hand, and was thoroughly disappointed when people didn't offer her any, it was seriously cute.

All in all, it was a pretty good Halloween :)  There were a lot of things I wanted to do that we didn't get to, and I'm hoping next year Karl will be able to trick-or-treat with us, but with a baby this adorable, how could we not have the best Halloween ever, regardless of all that stuff??

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