Thursday, October 23, 2014


I am not a fan of waking up.

I have never been an early riser nor have I ever been a morning person.

One thing I haven't appreciated so much about motherhood is the lack of sleep! Late nights, night wakings/feedings, and then on top of it all they wake you up at the crack of dawn!! And if you know anything about me, you should know that I love my sleep.

But then...

There's this:

Waking up to these smiling faces (that are just so darn happy in the morning!!) is the one thing that could possibly make it all worth it :)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

He Crawls!!!

He did it! He finally did it! He CRAWLED. Declan beat his sister's record by 4 whole days, lol!

I was just telling Karl how Declan had almost crawled that morning, trying to get to Evie's little magnetic princess paper doll (Princess Olivia), when he just up and did it!

This toy is major off limits for him, so of course it would be the one thing that could get him to crawl! lol! 

He still acts like it's some sort of punishment, or torture, but I have hopes that my little cheater baby will eventually see the usefulness of the whole crawling thing ;)

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers