Monday, July 7, 2014

Declan's Blessing Day

Our Family!
We finally got to bless Declan! He's only almost 4 months old now... We were waiting to do it when Grandpa Pat would be able to participate (since he didn't get to come out when baby boy was born!), so here we are! 

Since Declan was so old, he was actually able to wear the same blessing outfit that his uncle Jo wore (he was a March baby who was also blessed a couple months later, apparently!), it was imported by Papa Gary straight from Italy, so that was pretty cool!

It being summer and with so many people coming to help us with this special occasion, it got pretty darn hot very quickly, and by the time we got everyone there, poor Declan was tired again and therefore very fussy.

The bishop had all the great-grandparents say a few words before the blessing, which was very special, and I really appreciated. Then Karl, with the help of so many people we love, gave Declan a name and a blessing. 

And Declan decided to SCREAM the whole time.

So funny, because he is such a laid-back kid! This was totally uncharacteristic of him, and of course his melt-down had to happen during this particular event, haha!

It was a short, but sweet and special blessing. I feel so very happy and blessed to have our little Declan Kelsier Smith as a part of our family!


Thinking I may have an issue with mold?? I'm sooooo miserable!
(sorry for the scary picture!)

Pollen count taken from

*Update 10/29/14
I think my horrendous allergies that have not responded to just about anything are FINALLY slowing down. My skin is getting better any way. This has been a rough allergy season, like seriously, so bad!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Dear Waddlers...

Dear VERY pregnant women waddling around in public places (and there seem to be a lot of you),

You may have caught me looking at you, and I truly hope you weren't offended. Your pregnant mind probably jumped to all sorts of conclusions about what I was thinking, but honestly it was totally out of empathy.

I feel your pain! It is still so very fresh on my mind!

I just wanted to walk up to you and tell you congratulations on being so close to one of the biggest, most amazing events of your life, and to tell you that it's coming soon. It may feel like you'll be waddling for the rest of eternity and that your baby will never come out, but it'll come and go before you know it! I wanted to hug you and tell you that you can do it! You can make it to the finish line; you're almost there!!

But that would have been weird...

So I just looked at you instead.

I'm very sorry if I offended you in any way.


~Me (a very recent former waddler)

Friday, July 4, 2014

A year ago today

Exactly one year ago tonight, Karl and I sat together on our front lawn, watching the stadium of fire fireworks, and trying to comprehend how our lives were about to change. 

That morning, before going up to midway for family 4th of July festivities, we'd run out to wal-mart and bought a test to confirm what we already suspected... Baby #2 was on the way! 

At that moment Declan was nothing more than two lines on a pregnancy test and a whole heap of hopes and day-dreams. 

We had no idea if our baby would be a boy or girl, we had no idea who he was (or what he'd be named...). I had no idea how I'd handle this pregnancy, or whether it would be easier or tougher than the last. We didn't know how we'd handle two kids or how Evie would do with the transition.

And now here we are one year later, the four of us standing on the side walk in front of our house, watching fireworks going off in the park. 

Rolly polly little Declan is a tiny person with his very own opinions and a distinct personality. It really seems like he's just always been in our family. Evie and Declan love each other so much. Evie takes care of him and loves him (when she's not stealing his toys), and he just thinks she is the coolest person in the world!

I'm just so amazed at the difference one year can make (I know, I say it all the time), and the wonderfully crazy things that happen in life. I don't even know how to articulate what I'm feeling right now... 

I guess I'm just realizing that I spend a lot of time worrying and stressing about a future that I can't possibly predict, and I forget to spend time living and keeping memories of the moments that I'm in. 

This time next year, who knows where we'll be, but I know that I want to be able to look back and be happy with the memories I'm making today.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers