Monday, May 7, 2012

Back to Business

After about five months of being home and giving Evie my complete and undivided attention, it's time for me to go back to work (ish)!

Today I started my internship with Welcome Baby (an awesome program through UnitedWay), which I'm super excited about, but having to leave my baby (who still wants to eat every 2 hrs) everyday is definitely nerve-wracking!!  I was nervous this morning, but I ended up coming home to a super happy baby who really enjoyed her morning with daddy :)  That was a little surprising.  I was really expecting a baby who desperately wanted to eat, and needed her mommy, but when I walked in she just looked at me, got a huge grin on her face and went right back to playing. lol.

Something else that kind of surprised me was how much I enjoyed being away from her.

Don't get me wrong, I love her, I love being a mom, and I did miss her, but it was so incredibly nice to just be me again!  I'm no longer a "me"; motherhood has totally and completely transformed me into a constant "we".  I sometimes feel like I'm nothing more than Evie's porter, chair, bed, entertainment center, jungle gym, pacifier, security blanket, and food supply. 

While I was gone I didn't have much of a chance to think about her, and knowing she was at home in good hands left me free to get back to being a real person again!  It was kind of amazing.  I seriously recommend new mommies (or any mommy) get some time out of the house to just do the normal stuff they used to do!  Even if it's just an hour a week to take a community class, or work out, or something, it's so good to have a tiny part of your life that's not totally centered on that little one.

I am still kind of nervous since I'll be leaving her for a few hours a day, and I can't wait to get back to her full time, but I think this is really going to be a good experience for all of us :)

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