Monday, October 3, 2011

Labor & Delivery

Got to make my first visit to labor and deliver last night!  It was superly fun and exciting, kinda like Disney Land!  Ok, that's a lie, I really dislike doctors and hospitals, but since I love my baby and my hubby (who was stressing) I went any way. 

I've been feeling my Braxton Hicks since the end of my first trimester, so they're not really that huge of a deal anymore (although I admit they're getting way more uncomfortable!), but on Saturday night I started having a lot, pretty regularly.  I think at one point they were less than 5 minutes apart, which made me nervous, but I ended up just drinking a bunch of water and falling asleep.  Sunday morning and afternoon I was having a lot, but they were pretty random, so I again, drank a ton and tried to stay in bed as much as possible.  By Sunday night they were getting really regular and close together again--despite all my efforts--so when Karl got home he made me call my midwife and she told me to go to labor and delivery, yay!

We got there, had to answer a million questions, I got to be examined in all sorts of uncomfortable ways, and got all hooked up to the monitors, and as soon as I laid down in that bed, my contractions stopped!  I was having them up until the minute I walked into the hospital room, and then, nothing!!  I must say I was more than a tiny bit frustrated with my silly body (thanks for making me look like a crazy person-_-)!! Oh, and can I also mention that I started having them again as I walked out to the parking lot... *sigh*

On the bright side, we got to hear baby, and she seems to be doing wonderfully!  My cervix is still closed and everything seems to still be going well, which relieves a lot of anxiety for me!  Still don't know why I've been having so many contractions lately, I guess my uterus is just really excited about getting ready for the big day?  I wish I had as much motivation to work out as my uterus seems to!

Anyway, that's what Karl and I got to do last night, and as much as we enjoyed it, I'm hoping to not have to do it again for about 6 or 7 weeks!


  1. Haha - you didn't look like a crazy person. We've all done the early hospital visit!

  2. I did it twice! And once in the middle of the night because Ileyana kicked my bladder too hard. (Yes, I peed the bed) So it's alright. We've all been there. No shame in it!


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