I'm just soooo happy school is out!!! I really should be taking classes during the summer (I'm getting so close to being done... 2 semesters-ish!), but honestly, I'm worn out. This last semester was terrible because I just didn't want to be there, I could barely force myself to go to 50% of my classes, and I even turned a major paper in an entire class late (for the first time since about 9th grade, I believe)! I'm thinking I just want some time for me this summer, some time to get sleep and take care of myself. This may mean that school takes me three semesters instead of two, but I really don't know when I'll have another chance to just worry about me!
I just want to spend some time relaxing with my hubby (been hard to catch him since his work has been so crazy!), I want to go somewhere that's not here, and I just want to have some fun for a change!!!!
It's so important to get out on your own with your husband and just be a couple. I think you totally should!! :) And 3 semesters is still pretty great!!!