Saturday, April 26, 2014

Evie's First Sleep-Over ;)

Amaia decided that she was going to have a sleep over at our house. She's been planning it for over a week. She brought it up while we were at their house the other day, and I totally thought she'd forget about it, buuuuut no, haha! I'm seriously amazed at her determination and her amazing memory (I think Evie takes after her!!).

Anyway, she came over and Evie had to be woken up from a VERY late nap... They watched the Lorax together and played for awhile. Evie thought it was great. Maia even brought her FAVORITE book (Green Eggs and Ham) which Evie now loves, and Evie (who won't normally eat breadsticks with out her beloved "pizza sauce" to dip them in) decided she doesn't like sauce anymore because Maia didn't want any... I can't believe the peer pressure thing is starting already!

Time for bed rolled around and THAT is when the nightmare began... Evie was super hyper because Maia was there and not tired enough to sleep because of her late nap. Karl was getting super frustrated with her, and I told her that I was going to call Grandmama to come get Mai if she didn't go to sleep... So Evie decided that she'd rather have Maia go home than have to go to bed herself, haha! I had to explain to her that it doesn't work that way.

Eventually I did get them both to sleep, but it was QUITE the process!! I'm glad Evie loves her auntie though ;)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Evie's 1st Injury

This is my daughter:

She constantly climbs, jumps, tumbles, and basically has no fear, so I was positive that we'd be making a visit to the doctor for an injury sooner or later (I'm surprised we made it as long as we did!)--I just didn't think it would be for something so boring! Lol

We were just sitting in the living room and there were a bunch of toys out. She started running towards me to show me something, tripped, and fell head first into the sharp little corner on the entertainment center. I watched in horror as her forehead hit the edge, and I heard the "thunk" of the impact telling me just how hard she'd hit it.

I scooped her up quickly and tried to assess the damage. The cut wasn't long, maybe half an inch, but it was fairly deep and gaped a bit. So we called the after-hours nurse and she told us to come in. I was so worried she'd need stitches and it would be a traumatizing experience, but luckily, the doctor was able to glue it up nicely with no needles involved!

She was actually fine with the whole doctor's office experience, and was even looking forward to seeing the doctor... until he walked in. That was probably the most traumatizing part.
The doctor was a very large man with a very big voice wearing a very bright shirt. The moment he started talking to her she burst into tears, poor thing!

We did manage to get her calmed down enough to get her patched up, and by the time we got home she was running around like nothing happened. She even convinced daddy to take her to the park so she could fit in a few more dangerous feats before bedtime ;)

I'm pretty sure in her two years of life she's stressed at least a few years off of mine, lol.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Baby Love

Poor Declan got abandoned in the bouncy chair while I attempted to get some dishes done--they were REALLY starting to pile up--and he was so incredibly upset and offended by it that daddy had to come rescue him ;)

Karl was walking him around in his signature "baby hold" and they were just staring at each other. I came by for a minute since they were being so cute and I hate missing stuff like that, lol.

As soon as Declan saw me, his eyes got big, he turned his little body towards me, and reached out with one shaky little arm, trying to grab me with his tiny hand. It wasn't quite as coordinated an effort as he would have liked, I'm sure, (it looked a lot like the attempts he makes at getting his fist in his mouth, lol) but he was trying! 

It really blows me away that at a month old, this tiny little person recognizes certain people and things. Even more so that with the small amount of control he has over his little body, he still used everything he had to reach out to me. He knows me, loves me, and needs me. Babies are amazing!

As challenging and even frustrating as it can be sometimes, I feel very blessed to be able to be a mother. It's an awesome experience!


Thursday, April 10, 2014

One month old!!

My bitty-baby boy is one month old today! And what a long, sleep deprived month it's been...

Currently, the routine around here goes something like this:

Every time I finally get Declan to sleep during the day, put him down and try to get something done,  Evie has to immediately start smothering him with her "loving" (ie. kissing his hands, talking in a super high pitched voice, and trying to hug him by putting her entire body weight on him), this, of course, makes him cry every time, and I'm back to holding him and not getting anything done, then, about 8 o'clock, Evie goes down... but pops up 3 or 4 more times before I end up going to bed, and at least once after I fall asleep, on the other hand, Declan waits for me to get into my sleep cycle before he starts fussing inconsolably sometime around 4 am and his crying usually wakes Evie at about 7 am, and she comes in to my room and basically sits right in the way with her kindle games while I try to get Declan back to sleep, and she is perfectly content and absorbed by that activity until Declan FINALLY passes out after hours of fussing and squirming. 

And I think I'm going to doze for a bit. 

I am wrong. 

Just as I'm succumbing to the zombifying exhaustion, Evie decides she needs to love her brother, and the whole cycle starts over again...

Like I said, loooong month, lol, but I do so love my little sleep-thieves ;) I can't imagine my life without them. 
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers