Saturday, January 11, 2014

"Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"

We got a surprise visit from Christer and Myrna today! 

They were down this way for job interview stuff and decided to drop by and pay us a visit :) Evie was super happy to see them; I think she's finally getting to the point where we see them enough and she remembers them enough in between visits that she doesn't have to do the "warm up" thing every time (THANKFULLY). She was also tired from waking up at 7am and not having taken a nap of any kind (they got here around 3pm), so she was very giddy in addition to just being happy to see them ;)

Anyway, she showed them all the fun stuff in her room and they even turned off the lights and had a "dance party" with her little bear nightlight thing (which she uses as a rave/disco/party light, lol) and my phone. She thought Christer's dancing was absolutely hilarious (again, she was tired), and she ran around in circles (I mean, danced) for ages! She really liked dancing to the "fox song" and songs from "Frozen" especially.

After all the dancing she was pretty worn out, but somehow they still managed to convince her to the park and go sledding! Poor thing hasn't been to the park in a couple months, so she was super excited, plus we haven't had a chance to go sledding at all this winter, so it was quite the event for her!

They ended up sledding, playing on the frozen playground, and we even built a snowman! This was especially awesome because Evie's been obsessed with the movie "Frozen" for the past few days and she very much wanted to build a snowman :) On the way to the park she was telling Christer: "Snow everywhere! Kinda-ta like the ice movie!"

She had so much fun today, and in true Evie style, didn't want to leave even though she was soaking and it was freezing! 

Hopefully Myrna and Christer will live closer someday so they can come play more often :)

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