Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jiffy Pop!

Wow... Ok, I'm just lying here in bed, trying to relax, and honestly, I feel like I've swallowed a bag of JiffyPop!!  Goodness!!  Baby is getting so big and strong and ACTIVE!  I can't believe she was ever the size of a grape, and I can barely remember a time when I couldn't feel her going crazy in there.  It took so long before I could even feel her move, and now I feel like she's training to be a ninja or something.  I really love feeling her move... most of the time!  The bladder kicks and simultaneous headbutts to the ribs I could do without, lol!  At least it let's me know she's still doing ok in there, definitely puts my mind at ease to know she's still cooking! :)


  1. I can't believe this is my friend Socorro going to have a baby! GYAH! Seems like only yesterday we were giggling over Hello Dolly. XP

    I'm praying that all goes well for you, and love the updates! You are SO much better at updating your blog than I am. ;-)

    Love ya, my dear!

  2. She is training to be the offspring of karl!


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