Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

Sooo... It's been a while since I've posted anything. I feel bad, there has been a lot to write about, but I get overwhelmed, don't know where to start, and so I don't end up writing anything! But here I am, trying to break this vicious, vicious cycle, haha!

Today is Father's Day, and I feel compelled to write down a few things about the amazing man who is the father of my child.

One night I was cleaning up our disaster area of a living room (aftermath of hurricane Evie) after I had finally gotten the girly to sleep. I was not in the best moods ever, I will admit, as I plowed through piles of children's books, gathered blocks, picked up baby dolls and little clothes that had been tossed aside in her latest attempts to get "naked!!!!" Sometimes it's hard when I see the same mess, day in and day out, to not grow weary. I love my baby to death, but there are some things that get old after a while, haha. Anyway, I was trudging a long through my recovery efforts in the living room, when Karl walked in, picked up a little tiny pink sock, and said, "I love that there are baby things all over the apartment; I like that there are little tiny clothes and baby dolls everywhere."

That caught me a little off guard... I'm pretty sure I thought something a long the lines of, "I really DON'T like having baby things all over the apartment... It's ALWAYS a mess, I'm always picking them up, and our apartment is too small!" (remember, I was tired and cranky at this point). But I looked at Karl holding that miniature sock, looked at the princess doll and the babies sitting in the toddler sized rocking chair in the corner, and realized, I love it too.

I've always been into decorating my home and trying to give it a "unified theme" (I have a "thing" about things not matching...), I really like doing things like looking on pinterest and seeing all the cool things I can do to make my home look awesome. However, it took Karl saying something so incredibly simple for me to realize, I have the best decorator in the world. She might be a year and a half old and like to use rocks from the park as accents in my  living room which may now be half playroom, but I love it now more than I did when it was empty, clean, and everything was the way I had planned and placed it.

I love that Karl can see things like that and remind me. I have not looked at my "mess" in the same way since.

He and Evie truly are the "fun" in our home. He is adventurous and energetic with her. He runs and dances and climbs and plays with her. He is an incredibly kind and loving father. And I love him. I know I've said it before, but I could not have asked for a better father for my children, and that is so incredibly important to me. One of the very first things that solidified in my mind that he was the one I was going to marry was the fact that I could see what kind of dad he would be someday, and he has completely lived up to the hopes and expectations I had so many years ago.

Now, he's not perfect (quite), but he works so hard to be the best daddy possible. He works very hard to take care of us and provide for us, even when it means giving things up that he wants, being uncomfortable, or doing difficult things. At the same time he tries to spend time with Evie whenever he can, and I know it makes him so sad when he has to work and be away from her.

I know I couldn't do it without him, and I hope I never have to for very long!!

Happy Father's Day, Karl!

1 comment:

  1. My mom and I have talked multiple times about what good parents you and Karl are. You three are the most adorable little family and I love seeing you together. You are all great examples and I really look up to you! :)


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