Saturday, September 29, 2012

Month #9

Wow... Okay, so Evie has now been on the outside of me for longer than she was inside of me!  I know, all of you who have not had children yet (and possibly those of you who have had a few and are "so over this") are thinking that I should probably stop marveling over this kind of stuff ALL THE TIME, before my head explodes and everyone stops caring...  But, I can't!  It's just so amazingly mind-blowing how quickly time is passing and how much she is growing and changing!  I honestly think that watching your child grow and learn during the first year is the most amazing thing in the entire world.  So, here is my summary of the wondrous things Evie has been up to during month #9 :)

-As far as the growing part goes, at her 9 month appointment, Evie weighed 17 lbs 4 oz, and was 27 inches long.


-She walks!! She finally started officially walking a few days before she turned 9 months!  She is now walking like a champ, she can squat down to pick things up and then stand back up and keep on going!  She can carry things (things I would have thought WAY too heavy for her) while she walks, pivots, turns, and basically wanders around in circles just because she can.

-She loves to carry her baby around (i.e. her glow-worm, stuffed elephant, pink bear, brown bear, or purple hippo doll, depending on which is closest) and pat it on the back to put it to sleep.  She will sing to and bounce her babies, which is the cutest thing EVER.  Her "sign" for baby is to pat her chest like she's patting a baby on her shoulder.  She LOVES babies.  She and her 4 month old cousin Melody get baby-sat together by my mother, and Evie just loves her.  When Mel cries Evie has to go over to my mom and tell her to make the baby feel better (i.e. she climbs on my mom, who is trying to calm Mel down, and pats her chest furiously to show my mom how to make the baby stop crying).

-Evie loves to make phone calls and text on phones. I'm really sorry if you get random phone calls from my phone with a baby jabbering or squealing on the other end...  She has gotten really good at pressing all the right buttons!  She always talks to daddy on the phone, which is adorable.  Her conversations usually go something like "Heyo? Da? Dad? *random babble*".  If she sees a phone on tv or hears a phone buzzing/ringing, she'll put her hand to her ear and look at us to make sure we see/hear the phone.

-She loves turning pages like crazy...  It's a little hard to read books with her currently because she is just so darn intent on turning the pages, that she's not as interested in the story or pictures (unless it's Brown Bear, Brown Bear, and then we just make animal noises and she looks at the dog page A LOT).  We also can't leave any of OUR books out that we don't want abused, she extra likes big people books--the more pages the better!

-Evie loves to press buttons... Which means she changes channels with remotes, turns off and on the xbox (on the console  and with the controller), she makes it impossible for me to use my laptop because she loves to push the power button and put it in and out of hibernation and also type things with the keys, and she loves cell phone buttons.

 -She loves to do what mommy does.  She likes brushing her hair and my hair, and she likes to put on mascara... Well, she pokes herself in the eye with the tube while I'm getting ready for the day, haha.  She also loves to unload the dishwasher and likes to dust.  She has always been fascinated by the vacuum for some reason, even when it's running, she's not afraid of it.  I guess it just seems like a really cool toy?

-Evie likes to take baths.  The other day I was taking a bath and she heard the water running so she ran over and kept banging on the door.  Karl, who thought she just really wanted to see me, finally gave in and let her into the bathroom.  Evie immediately started trying to take off her clothes and climbing into the tub.  It was so cute that I forgot to be bothered by the fact that I have no privacy/personal time anymore, haha.

-She says words!!  Here is the list thus far: 
  • Daddy ("dada", which she's been saying for ages now... Since 8 months maybe?)
  • Mommy ("mamamama")
  • Dog ("dogdogdog"... she also knows the sign for dog, so she usually says it and signs it, totally cute. She also says dog for cats, haha.)
  • Chichi (which is her word for nursing... Totally my family's fault; they all use Spanish for random things)
  • Bye-Bye ("bybybybybybye"... This one she doesn't say often because she can just wave instead)
  • Hello? ("Heyo?"... She only says this when talking on the phone, so she doesn't really know what it means, but she says it!!)
  • Night night ("nynynyny"... which I don't think she really understands.  I think she just uses it when she's really tired because we generally say "night-night" when she gets to that point, haha)
I'm going to say she has 4 official words, and three much less official ones ;)

-Evie thinks it's funny to put things on her head, bite mommy's nose (thank goodness her teeth haven't come in yet!), dance to music, make silly faces, and to pretend to make daddy and mommy go night-night.  She is a very happy baby and SUCH a character!  I know I've said it over and over, but honestly, the more she can express her personality, the more of a goof-ball we're finding out she is!  I love her so much!!

-Aaaand, last but not least, Evie's favorite type of music is rock (thanks to Daddy)... with the occasional Dora the Explorer songs, for variety ;)

I can't wait to see what this little-one has in store for us next!  I honestly love being a mommy, I can't say it enough.  No matter how terrible things like lack of sleep can be, somehow--amazingly--my beautiful little baby makes up for it all.  I am so grateful that she's in my little family, our lives have never been happier or more complete!


  1. She has grown so much! Even in the last month! We definitely need to get her and Emma together. They would have so much fun! And I agree, being a mom is the BEST.

  2. Wow!!! I read your post out to Myrna while she read along...and she thinks you are the most amazing mother ever!!!


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