Sunday, June 12, 2011

"I can see yours BABY!"

So, I've been looking up all kinds of info on pregnancy on the interweb, and when I was reading about week 14 I ran across this picture...

 ...which, made me feel terrible, because there is no way I look like that!  Baby may be that size, but I'm definitely NOT!  I've just been feeling a little bad because I was really hoping to not show so soon since this is my first baby.  A girl I know recently posted in her facebook status about being concerned that she's not showing at 20 weeks, and here I am already "popping" at 13 weeks!  Luckily with a little more research I found this picture...

...much closer to what I'm looking like, lol.  I think I'm getting used to the idea now, it's been hard not to just feel fat, but I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of loving my pregnant belly :)

And now for a cute story:

I walked into my parent's house the other day, and my three year old sister ran up to me, patted my belly and shouted, "I can see yours small baby!!!" It was super cute.  She's been confused because people kept telling her there's a baby in my tummy, but I still looked the same so she was really excited that she could finally "see" the baby. Lol!

(Bad pic, I'll have to get Karl to help me take a better one!)

6/20 Update: Had a check-up today and my midwife said I'm measuring a couple weeks, big, so I'm NOT just fat!  Lol

Friday, June 3, 2011

Housework is AWESOME!

IF you're the crazy enthusiastic woman in this picture:


Personally, I'm feeling much more like this lovely lady:

I've come to the point where I really need to start putting my life back together again!  After school ended I basically just gave up on pretty much all house related activities (cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, business/errands, etc.).  I've just been so incredibly miserable and tired that I haven't been able to do much of anything!  Poor Karl!!  Now that I'm SLOWLY getting my energy back (and feeling SLIGHTLY less sick) I need to start getting back on top of things.  It's just so much easier to be lazy and do nothing, haha!! 

I don't know how everyone else deals with housework, but what I'm currently trying to do is have routines. For everyday of the week I have certain tasks that I want to accomplish for that day (ie. Moday = clean/get kitchen in order, Tuesday = laundry, etc.).  I think with my awesomely distract-able personality, this is what I really need to keep me on track. I feel a little lost when I'm not in school because I don't have any kind of schedule!  My days seem to slip away with out me really accomplishing much when I'm not careful!

Anyway, I think this is going to be an interesting undertaking (since all my old routines need to be revamped!), but I really want to get all my "routines" in place before baby comes, since I'm sure everything is going to get thrown into disarray once that happens!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers