got to go to the hospital a couple of times with Evie, and she was
fine, but I really was hoping not to have any reason to do that this
time around. My plan was to only have to go to labor and delivery once
for the "big day" and to come home with a nice healthy, full term baby.
No emergencies, no false alarms, just be there for the birth of my baby
and not a minute extra.
Yeah, I'm apparently terribly at following through with my plans. Fate
and the lovely winter weather seem to have had something different in
store for me...
It all started this morning.
was doing the grave shift and wouldn't be home 'til 12 and I was trying
to get Evie ready for church by myself. We were late, of course, so we
left the house intending to get there in time for nursery. It had been
snowing a little bit, so we were trying to be careful, but it didn't
seem that bad--it was warm enough that a lot of the snow was pretty
melty. Evie and I got almost to the corner of our street, but that
section of sidewalk hadn't been shoveled and it looked like there was
enough snow that I didn't want Evie trudging through it in her little
church shoes and getting her feet wet and frozen off. So I picked her
up, put her on my hip, and we kept going.
Bad idea.
looked like it was just a bunch of left over snow from the last couple
days, so I expected it to be maybe a little slick where the snow had
gotten packed down or something, but I took about two steps and suddenly
found myself flat on the ground. This was a full out splat kind of a
deal too, not one of those falls where you have a chance to kind of
catch yourself or fall on your backside, I was just instantly on the
ground. Since I was holding Evie, I'd tried to save her and ended up
falling sideways onto my hip and arm with her landing on top of me.
fully comprehending what had just happened, I tried to right myself
while still holding Evie, took kind of a half step, and ended up falling
Next to the sidewalk there is kind of a stone
retaining wall, and when I fell this time I started to fall towards it,
which also happened to be the side I was holding Evie on. All I could
see as I started to go over was Evie's head going right towards the rock
wall and I was also scared I would fall on top of her, so I desperately
tried to get us going in the other direction and ended up right back
where I started. This time I managed to land on my knee, hip, and almost
kind of caught myself with my hand...
After going down
a second time, I started to get smart and set Evie down before trying
to get us both upright. I was in a lot of pain, but I got us both up and
steady and had a chance to look and see what had happened. Apparently,
what I thought was just some crunchy old snow was actually just a thin
layer covering a big sheet of ice. Evie and I individually managed to
finish crossing it (carefully) all right, but I guess having Evie and
baby throwing my weight off was enough to send us sprawling.
considered taking Evie right back home after that, but we were about
half-way to the church and I knew if we didn't go to nursery, I'd have
to carry her home, LITERALLY kicking and screaming (which I definitely
wasn't up to), so we just went to church and I sat with her in nursery
for the last two hours. Since Karl got off of work at the same time
church got out, I had him come pick us up and drive us home (seeing as I
could barely walk and I couldn't pick Evie up). Maybe this wasn't the
most brilliant course of action, in retrospect, but it seemed like the
best plan at the time.
We got home, I was in a lot of
pain and had a few contractions, but I was fully prepared just to suck
it up and ignore my injuries. I didn't though... I'd already used up my
brilliant choice for the day. I called the midwife, kinda hoping she'd
just tell me to rest and I'd be fine, but she wanted me to go straight
to the hospital.
Karl, having been awake for more than
24 hours at this point, was having a hard time staying awake, so I
called my parents (who were in the middle of church) and they came down.
Evie went home with my dad to hang out with her aunties, and my mom and
I headed to the hospital.
What they worry about with
falls or similar trauma, is either the placenta detaching and causing
fetal distress or that it will cause productive contractions and labor.
We got all hooked up to monitors to check on baby's heart rate and
contractions, and they did some blood work to see if baby's blood had
gotten into mine (indicating a placental abruption).
heart was great the whole time we were there, the only problem we had
was that the nurse would come in, get us all set up with the monitor,
and not long after she'd leave the room he'd roll away so that the
monitor couldn't pick him up anymore. Then the nurse would have to come
back in, search forever to find him, and get us all hooked up again. He
did this a few times... Naughty baby!!
My blood work
came back fine, and since his heart rate was good and there were no
other signs of a problem, it looks like my placenta is fine, which is
very relieving!
was having contractions, some
of which were very, VERY uncomfortable, but luckily we got them to
subside enough that they were okay sending me home after a few hours. I
was given strict instructions that if I noticed a decrease in fetal
movement, bleeding, any signs that my water has broken, or if my
contractions increased or got worse, that I was to come right back in.
since I was released, I haven't had any further issues. I'm just super
sore and bruised up, can hardly walk, still can't carry Evie, and I feel
like I've pulled about every necessary body part involved in the
walking process... But I'm great :)
I guess I should
look on the bright side: baby is ok, I got to spend some quality time
with my mother, got some super cool accessories (gotta love hospital
bracelets), and Evie did really well at my parents' house all day. My
one complaint is that they managed to collapse one of my veins while
trying to "fix" me, so I ended up coming out of the hospital with more
injuries than I went in with. *sigh* The phlebotomist who was stabbing
me said, "oops, I guess we should be more careful with your little veins
next time." I would have appreciated her being careful the first time,
buuuut what can you do...
My beautiful, sore bruise. Not from the fall... but from the hospital. |
I am super grateful for all the prayers
and good thoughts, and I'm sorry if I worried anyone! I will definitely
be a whole lot more careful from now on. I guess I really didn't realize
how much of a difference being big and pregnant makes when attempting
everyday tasks!