My sweet little baby took her very first step the other day, so I figured maybe it's time to record the leaps and bounds she's been making lately! That little girl has no time to sit stil... She is so incredibly driven and determined, it's crazy! While I love her fiery personality, I'm also a little sad that my baby girl is skipping though all these milestones and trying so hard to become independent so quickly!
Anyway... Back around the time she was 3 months old, I thought she was going to be one of those kids who would be content to just sit. She had NO interest in rolling over... like none... She hated tummy time, so we didn't do a lot of that, and she just did not seem motivated to move in general. She could roll over both ways before she was 4 months, but she absolutely refused to do it ever. She loved being on her back looking around at everything; and you could just tell by looking at those calculating little eyes, that she was making big plans for mischief. She had such an intent and thoughtful look in her eyes all the time, like she was just taking in everything and learning all she could about the world around her.
Look at those cheeks!! | | |
Then, at about 4 and 1/2 months, she started sitting up. She was still knocking herself over at this point though (she never did a tripod sit or used her arms to prop her, it was all or nothing with her, haha), so she needed a lot of pillows and supervision ;).
Cutie!!!! |
At around 5 months she was able to sit completely unassisted and not fall over, even when she was reaching for things and playing with toys. At 6 months she figured out how to get from lying down to sitting up by herself, and FINALLY rolling over became important to her because she needed it to change positions. So suddenly she was rolling like a champ... Silly Monkey!
Little problem solver/maker... lol |
Another thing that happened at 5 months was that she suddenly, for some reason, became obsessed with standing up and walking! I have no idea what made her so intent on the idea that walking was the only way to go... but she has been incredibly persistent!
"Look at what I can do!" |
I was worried that she was never going to crawl because she was so insistent that she wanted to be standing up ALL the time. We couldn't get her to even try getting on her hands and knees. It has been the biggest struggle to convince her that crawling would get her where she wanted to go much sooner. We worked and worked and worked with her on the crawling, and finally her auntie convinced her to crawl by tempting her with pudding! So she finally started crawling 4 days before she turned 7 months old.
And here we are... She is crawling like crazy (I can't keep her out of anything!!), but she still hasn't given up on her walking aspirations. About a week ago she started really working on standing up by herself, she figured out how to cruise on furniture, and 3 days ago (at 7 and 1/2 months) she took her very first step!!
So much more trouble to get into now!!! |
She's up to 2 steps now before she totally loses her balance, and I seriously can't even believe that she's already trying to walk... I thought I had a few more months, but my baby is determined to grow up super quick!! I kind of miss the little bitty baby who was completely dependent on me... Not that she isn't still completely dependent on me, she just doesn't realize it anymore, lol!!
(PS, 10 points to whoever can get the reference in the title!)